The average house price on ARRETON MEAD is £1,382,892
The most expensive house in the street is 2 ARRETON MEAD with an estimated value of £1,796,019
The cheapest house in the street is 5 ARRETON MEAD with an estimated value of £1,067,373
The house which was most recently sold was 3 ARRETON MEAD, this sold on 17 Aug 2017 for £1,100,000
The postcode for ARRETON MEAD is GU21 4HW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,138,456 £620,000 24 Jul 2009
2 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,796,019 £650,000 16 Aug 2002
3 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,407,440 £1,100,000 17 Aug 2017
4 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,713,408 £595,000 26 Jun 2002
5 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,067,373 £607,000 31 May 2006
6 ARRETON MEAD Detached £1,174,656 £770,000 4 Aug 2014